Actively supervise
Children under 6 should always be within arms’ reach around water. The person supervising shouldn’t be distracted by anything at all for any period of time, whether it be checking their phone or checking on another child.
Children between 6 and 10 should always be supervised around water. Older children and teens should not supervise younger children. Children between 11 and 16 should be supervised and know how to swim and conduct CPR
At outdoor events, an adult should be appointed to look after the children in the pool.
Restrict access to water
Every pool has to have pool fencing that complies with Queensland law. This includes being at least 120 cm tall, not being climbable and a self-closing and self-latching gate. This is not an exhaustive list.
Inflatable pools should be emptied after use. Garden ponds and water features should also be taken into account.
Children should be made familiar with water by spending time in water and learning how to swim. Don’t assume that a child that can swim will not drown. Adults should learn how to swim as well.
Learn CPR
If a child is not responding or not breathing, CPR (cardio-pulmonary resuscitation) will need to be done.
Learn to administer CPR (especially CPR for babies and children). This will need to be redone every year.
All pools in QLD require appropriate CPR signs.
Any attempt at resuscitation is better than no attempt