Everyone who uses computers, tablets, telephones and other technological devices will experience strain and soreness in their eyes at some point. It is common for overworked eyes to become dry and painful. This eyestrain can also cause inability to focus on faraway objects, blurred vision and headaches. The human eye is better structurally at looking…
Children and hot cars It is never safe to leave children alone in the car. Within an overheated car child can undergo heatstroke, dehydration, suffocation, and death. RACQ research has shown that interior temperature of a car can reach 40 degrees within 7 minutes. The colour of the car and the degree of tinting have…
Staying Safe Online – for Kids & Teens There are many ways for kids and teens to stay connected online while also keeping them safe. Using the internet in a healthy way can help kids build confidence and self-esteem. It is essential to focus on cyber bullying and how to stay safe online. With so…
Cyberbullying is harassing, threatening or targeting another person with the use of technology. This could be by text, tweet, post, message, photo or video. In 2017, 1 in 5 young people in Australia reported being threatened, socially excluded or abused over the Internet. Signs your child might be cyberbullied include: The child being upset after…
Actively supervise Children under 6 should always be within arms’ reach around water. The person supervising shouldn’t be distracted by anything at all for any period of time, whether it be checking their phone or checking on another child. Children between 6 and 10 should always be supervised around water. Older children and teens should…
You should floss your teeth once a day. Why should you brush your teeth? Teeth are constantly being covered by a layer of bacteria known as “plaque”. The only way this layer can be removed is through brushing it off and flossing. Manual or electrical – which is the better toothbrush? The ideal toothbrush has…
The ketogenic (or ‘keto’) diet is about restricting carbohydrates and increasing intake of dietary fat. When you follow a keto diet, you greatly reduce your intake of significant reduction of carbohydrates in your diet, such as pasta, rice, fruit, vegetables, and beans. Without enough carbohydrates to fuel your body and brain, your body burns fat…
Asthma App – This Asthma Australia app is a source of useful information about the condition, has great instructional videos on different medication devices, and how to use them properly. An action plan template can be downloaded and completed through the app, and there is also a section on asthma first aid, where an assessment…
Доктор Павло Ангелуца, кандидат медичних наук, Київ, керівник центру сімейної медицини (Majellan), місто Брізбен, штат Квінсленд, Австралія, член Королівського Австралійського Коледжу Сімейних лікарів (FRACGP), член Товариства Сексологів штату Квінсленд Доктор Ніно Абуладзе, кандидат медичних наук (акушерство і гінекологія), Тбілісі, Грузія, Старша Клінічний Ординатор відділу акушерства і гінекології Університетської лікарні міста Голд Кост, штат Квінсленд, Австралія…
Medicare benefits are only payable to cruise passengers travelling between two Australian ports, with no stops outside Australia, and only if services are provided by an accredited Medicare provider. Before you depart, contact your cruise operator to find out whether a Medicare-accredited doctor will be available. Some passengers have been charged large fees for medical…