Asthma App – This Asthma Australia app is a source of useful information about the condition, has great instructional videos on different medication devices, and how to use them properly. An action plan template can be downloaded and completed through the app, and there is also a section on asthma first aid, where an assessment of symptoms can help patients to determine whether to call for medical help.

Cost: Free

Compatible With: Apple iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch

Requires: iOS 7.0 or later

All i Can Eat – Do you suffer from food intolerances? This app covers an array of food intolerances including lactose, fructose, histamine, gluten, sorbitol or salicylic acid or a combination of these. It provides a simple, searchable resource that informs the user, via a traffic light system, whether a food is likely to be well tolerated (green), moderately tolerated (yellow) or best avoided (red). The app does have some annoying ads, but overall is worth a look.

Cost: Free

Compatible With: Apple and Android devices

Requires: iOS 6.0 or later, Android 4.0 and up – A Hub for young Australian with Severe Allergies

This resource was designed by young people for the 250,000 young people living with severe allergies and includes information on topics such as using your EpiPen, eating out with a food allergy, and dating and travelling with an allergy. – Finding an Accredited Practising Dietitian

Using this website, you can find an Accredited Practising Dietician who can tailor an eating plan according to individual and family needs, from a fussy eater to food intolerances.

CategoryMental Health, Travel

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